Apple announced Swift for the first back in June 2014. This became a trending topic among the iOS developers and communities all over the world. Initially created to overcome the flaws and a replacement for traditional objective-C, the Swift programming language is proving out to be better than its predecessor.
To begin with, Swift is the rightful name for the coding language as it is way faster. Even with its robust technology that cuts time for iPhone app development, Apple is always trying to improve the Swift to take it to the next level. These advancements have made Swift an open source technology. Now, developers have more possibilities to create competitive iOS apps.
Objective-C is relatively passive because it contains C API. Moreover, the language is 30+ years old, which leads to a static syntax. Swift, on the other hand, is easy to understand and learn. This is mainly because the syntax is similar to C++, C#, JavaScript and Python. iOS developers who are experienced in these languages can understand Swift easily. The Swift framework is an interactive tool for developers working with iOS. The coding environment enables the developers to test their codes in bits, without creating the complete project.
The swift platform requires lesser coding as compared to objective-C. Swift makes use of string interpolation, which removes the need for tokens or placeholders. The lesser code simply means a clean and easy-to-understand code structure as well as high code reusability. So, one should hire iOS developers with knowledge of Swift for getting highly functional iOS apps. To avoid any security threats, Swift does not use any pointers. The language syntax ensures that the developer does not make any unwanted errors by marking the bugs instantly.
The swift platform has better memory management. Mobile apps made on object-oriented languages often get crashed due to memory leaks. Swift has built-in features for automatic memory management, which prevents any memory leakage. The advanced node package manager push the code packages to merge with others. This also helps the iOS developers to use different packages at the same time for assembling the application. The Swift package managers are similar, which helps the iOS developers to reduces the time to market.
Swift reduces as much as half code files for an app which have to be maintained, reduce mistype errors, and no manual code synchronization. This enable the developers to write quality code for the iOS app. Developers need to do lesser coding, and the advanced functionalities ensure that code lines are simple and readable.
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